How to Script All Stored Procedures From a Database with PowerShell

PROBLEM: You need to script all stored procedures from a database.  Each stored procedure needs to be on its own file so you can add them to a source control repository.

SOLUTION: The solution here is a variation of what we did for “How to Script All Tables From a Database with PowerShell”.  The only difference in this solution is the use of the Get-SQLStoredProcedure function from the SQL Server PowerShell Extensions (SQLPSX).

$sServer = "TUIRA"
$sDatabase = "AdventureWorks"

$oSO = New-SqlScriptingOptions
$oSO.Permissions = $true
$oProcs = Get-SqlDatabase $sServer $sDatabase|Get-SqlStoredProcedure

foreach ($oProc in $oProcs){
    $oP = $oProc.Name
    $oS = $oProc.Schema
    $DDL = Get-SqlScripter $oProc -scriptingOptions $oSO
    Out-File -FilePath "E:AdventureWorks$oS`_$oP.sql" -InputObject $DDL
Related Links
  • How to Script All Tables From a Database with PowerShell.
  • How to Script All Tables From a Database with PowerShell

    PROBLEM: You need to script all the tables from a database.  Each table needs to be on its own file so they can be added to a source control repository.

    SOLUTION: The use of SQL Server PowerShell Extensions (SQLPSX) facilitates the solution I’m about to show. The first example is a straight to the point, just DDL for the table without indexes, permissions, or any other scripting options. I used the Get-SQLDatabase, Get-SQLTable and Get-SQLScripter functions from SQLPSX to script out each table from the database into their own file.

    $sServer = "TUIRA" 
    $sDatabase = "AdventureWorks"
    $oTables = Get-SqlDatabase $sServer $sDatabase|Get-SqlTable
    foreach ($oTable in $oTables){
        $oT = $oTable.Name
        $oS = $oTable.Schema
        $DDL = Get-SqlScripter $oTable
        Out-File -FilePath "E:AdventureWorks$oS`_$oT.sql" `
            -InputObject $DDL

    Next, I extended the initial script by adding a reference to the SMO scripting class SQLScriptionOptions.  Now, I can script all primary key, indexes, foreign keys, default values and more.  Look for “ScriptingOptions Members” in Books Online or the Internet and you will find under public properties all the possible things you can include or exclude from your DDL scripts.

    Here, I chose to NOT include permissions and to include the clustered index, regular indexes, triggers, and schemas.

    $sServer = "TUIRA"
    $sDatabase = "AdventureWorks"
    $oSO = New-SqlScriptingOptions
    $oSO.Permissions = $false
    $oSO.ClusteredIndexes = $true
    $oSO.Indexes = $true
    $oSO.Triggers = $true
    $oSO.NonClusteredIndexes = $true
    $oTables = Get-SqlDatabase $sServer $sDatabase|Get-SqlTable
    foreach ($oTable in $oTables){
        $oT = $oTable.Name
        $oS = $oTable.Schema
        $DDL = Get-SqlScripter $oTable -scriptingOptions $oSO
        Out-File -FilePath "E:AdventureWorks$oS`_$oT.sql" `
            -InputObject $DDL

    How to Change File Extension for all Files in a Folder

    PROBLEM: You have a directory with many files and would like to change the extension on many of them without having to do one by one.

    SOLUTION: You can solve this problem with PowerShell and in less than 3 lines of code.

    Get-ChildItem *.[FILE EXTENSION]|Rename-Item –NewName {$_.Name –replace "[FROM VALUE]","[TO VALUE]"}

    I always like to clear my console and that is what the CLEAR command does.  I will then change to the directory where the files are located and execute my one liner that will change the file extensions of many files.   Here’s an example of how to change the file extensions from .TAB to .SQL.

    CD C:DatabaseScripts
    Get-ChildItem *.TAB|Rename-Item -NewName { `
        $_.Name -replace "TAB","SQL"

    In Spanish

    Review SQL Server 2008 Administration in Action

    SQL Server 2008 Administration in Action by Rod College
    I got a copy of this book back in September of 2009 because I wanted to know more about the hardware configuration of production database servers.  Specifically, I wanted to know about best practices and recommendations in the areas of storage, memory and CPU.  While at the store, I read chapter 2 “Storage and System Sizing” which covers from what SATA means to areas such as RAID, SAN, solid state drives, and best practice considerations. I purchased this book just for the content in chapter 2 and had zero expectations for the rest.

    After reading the remainder of the book, I commend Rod College and the team behind this volume for their fantastic job. The material is accurate, current and invaluable to DBAs at any level. You’ll get a wealth of information from new features found in MS SQL 2008 to concepts you should already know but you are not familiar with in MS SQL 2008.

    Review Quest Software and Virtual Training for SQL

    SESSION I – BLITZ! 60 Minute SQL Server Takeovers

    Quest Virtual Training for SQL Server - Performance Monitor and Wait Events
    This past Friday I received an email from a co-worker about the virtual event hosted by Brent Ozar, Buck Woody, Kevin Kline and Ari Weil. I have to admit I deleted the message because I get tons of emails during the day and did not have the time to look into it. Today I just came across a blog from Buck Woody about the same event and decided to check it out.

    Wow! I have no regrets so far. I watched the first session “Blitz! SQL Server Takeovers” and it has tons of very good information. This session is 2.5 hours long so find a place where you can watch this thing comfortably. I really liked the relaxed and conversational way the speakers presented the material – lots of humor. Like always, questions from the audience (chat room), time of recording, lack of coffee or medication (ha!) carried some of the speakers (except Ari alias the water hose) away from the subjects currently discussed.

    The meat for this session is the T-SQL code Brent uses when inheriting a new SQL server. The speakers provide a great deal of information in the video while discussing each chunk of code from the T-SQL script. The code has been available in since April this year but I recommend watching the video and not just getting the code; you will not regret it.  The script covers the following areas: Backups, CHECKDB, job failures, security, SQL server (advanced) options, startup stored procedures, general server configuration, database mail, set up notifications for alerts, Windows event logs, system databases checks, user databases checks, database encryption, check for Enterprise edition features, location of data files, check for triggers, wait stats, and index information.

    Towards the end of this session, Ari gives a demo (sales pitch) of the Foglight Performance Analysis product from Quest Software. We are currently evaluating this product at work and when used properly, it can save tons of time and money.  The way it is designed and the information that it provides will help the DBA understand  what is happening, why it is happening and sometimes, how to fix the problem.

    I also watched the “Opening Remarks” and it is a quick rundown of what is covered in all four sessions.  I give this event a thumbs up for its content and style -it is a must see for every DBA.

    Review SQL Antipatterns

    SQL Antipatterns - Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming
    Bill Karwin style and choice of arranging the material within the chapters made it an easy read. It includes good and accurate examples the reader can test in almost any database system. Overall, the book will save the inexperience from many failures and embarrassment.

    I purchased this book hoping to find something new. Unfortunately, I have been in the trenches long enough to live through and see most of these
    patterns. This book will be a great addition and a must read for application developers, new database professionals including DBA, developers and architects. I say “new” because it takes time to see all these patterns.

    Review SQL Server 2008 Administration with Windows Powershell

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration with Windows PowerShell I recommend this book to all database administrators who still have not jumped in and executed their first PowerShell command.  I know of several DBAs who for one excuse reason or another, keep postponing their exposure to the next generation command line shell.  This volume makes a good first PowerShell book for DBAs.  It covers the basics of the language with enough examples to get you going and good coverage of what is possible when combined with MS SQL 2008.

    The first ten chapters go over specifics of the language, programming syntax, and how to interact with different areas of the operating system.  The following eleven chapters demonstrate with code samples, how integrated are MS SQL 2008 and PowerShell.  I have found that many of the examples in this book also apply to MS SQL 2005.  My favorite chapter is 15 “Building SQL Server Inventory” because the authors provide a working solution to a common problems DBA have when managing many database servers.

    To those DBAs who still have not jumped in, do yourself a favor and read this book.

    Monitoring MS SQL Jobs with PowerShell

    PROBLEM: You manage many MS SQL servers and need an easy way to review jobs that have failed.

    SOLUTION: I will show you one way to accomplish this task with results displaying on the screen or to a file. To make your life easier, I recommend you download & install PowerGUI from Quest Software. This application comes with a script editor that will enhance your PowerShell development experience.

    Go ahead and open a new session of PowerShell. You can type or copy and paste the code from our initial three lines of code. We will start by loading the SMO assembly & creating an instance of the server object. On the third and final line of code, we get a collection of all jobs by accessing the SQL Server agent on the server. We then pipe the resulting object and look for all jobs which are enabled that have failed.

    $srv=New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" "TUIRA"
    $|where-object {$_.IsEnabled -eq $TRUE -and `
        $_.LastRunOutcome -eq "Failed"

    You will notice the result not being in a desirable format, especially when you have many jobs. We will use the information from one of the jobs to pick the specific properties we want in our report and display them in a table format. Lets pick the Parent, Category, Description, LastRunDate, LastRunOutcome, & Name properties for our next result.
    On your PS session screen, hit the up key and you should get the last line of commands we executed. Hit the left arrow key to modify the command as follow

    $|where-object {$_.isenabled -eq $TRUE}|Format-Table `
        Parent, Category, Name, LastRunDate, LastRunOutcome, Description `

    Now we have a result we can save to a file or print. But before doing that, we’ll expand this script to retrieve the jobs from multiples servers. Lets go ahead and open a Notepad session and enter the name of a few MS SQL servers you manage, one name per line, and save it with the file name serverlist.txt. I saved mine in C: for simplicity. Now, we just need to enclose our previously executed commands in a loop.

    foreach($svr in get-content C:serverlist_prd.txt) {
        $srv=New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" "$svr"
        $|where-object {$_.isenabled -eq $TRUE}| `
            Format-Table Parent, Category, Name, LastRunDate, `
            LastRunOutcome, Description -Autosize

    I find this looping syntax very helpful whenever I need to execute code against multiple servers. The result from this modified version of the original code will leave a blank space between each server or iteration of the code. We’ll solve that with a variable in the next and final version of the script which includes the code to save the report to a file.

    Set-Content -Path "C:TempMonitorJobs_LowerEnvironments.txt" -Value " "
    foreach($svr in get-content C:tempserverlist.txt) {
        $srv=New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" "$svr"
        $a += $
    $a|where-object {$_.isenabled -eq $TRUE -and $_.LastRunOutcome `
        -eq "Failed"}|Sort-Object -Descending LastRunDate| `
        Format-Table Parent, Category, Name, LastRunDate, `
        LastRunOutcome, Description -Autosize|Out-File `
        -FilePath C:TempMonitorJobs.txt -Append -Encoding ASCII

    Scan network for instances of MS SQL with Powershell

    PROBLEM: You need to find out which computers and servers in my network have an instance of MS SQL installed.

    SOLUTION: In this solution we’ll create an instance of the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) for each computer in a list. We’ll then query the Win32_Service class for the existence of a service which name starts with “MSSQL”. Go ahead and open a Notepad session and enter the name of several computes you manage in your network, one name per line, and save it with the file name isSQLInstalled.txt. I saved mine in C: for simplicity.

    foreach($svr in get-content "C:isSQLInstalled.txt") {
        $filter = "name LIKE 'MSSQL%'"
        $result = get-wmiobject win32_Service -f $filter -computername $svr
        $resulttxt = [bool] $result
        write-host "$svr`: $resulttxt"

    You need to be member of the Administrator role in each computer in the list for this script to execute successfully. This is a very basic way to search for instances of MS SQL installed in your network. One way you can expand this solution is by using a variable to capture the computer names in your network via Active Directory. You can then use this variable in the loop instead of reading the computer names from a file as we did in this solution.

    How to Script Database Tables with PowerShell

    PROBLEM: I need an easy way to script out all the tables from a database in MS SQL 2000 and above.

    SOLUTION: Like anything in programming, there are a thousand ways to skin a cat. Here, I’ll show you the simplest way I found to meet this request.

    Go ahead and open a new session of PowerShell. You can type or copy and paste in your PS session window all the code in this solution. We will start by loading the SMO assembly.


    Next, we’ll create an instance of SMO server object, database object, and scripter object

    $srv = new-object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server" "."
    $db = new-object("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database")
    $scr = new-object("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Scripter")

    We then assign the instance of MS SQL Server we want the scripter to use. We wrap it up by calling the Script() method with an SQL SMO collection of objects to be script out –in this case, all tables.

    $scr.Server = $srv

    That’s it! The simplest way to script out all tables from a database with PowerShell. In a future article, I’ll expand from this solution by writing a script that will take parameters, use SMO Scripter Options, filter tables to be script out, and then some.