PowerShell – The Automator (T-SQL Tuesday #15)

I read about T-SQL Tuesday #15 this evening while riding the train on my way home; I need to get in the scoop of these events when they first come out.

How to Review SQL Logs with PoweShell describes one of the many scripts I created in PoweShell to automate my daily tasks. I have also created the CodePlex project iSQLPS which is a collection of scripts for a SQL Server inventory system -it is a work in progress. PowerShell is by far, the greatest tool created for administrators of Microsoft systems and I’m surprise on how many administrators still resist the force or are unwilling to see the light!

We don’t need no stinking DBAs! (T-SQL Tuesday #12)

During a smoke break, Mike and Pat (two suits for a global consulting firm) were having one of those vainglorious conversations about who spends more on what, who has the larger whatever and who has the latest gadget. Their conversation was interrupted as the CTO and smoking pal, Jeff showed up and joined the two suits to smoke a few more brain cells for the benefit of the firm. Jeff then proceeded to ask “We are really going through rough times and we need to cut payroll. Out of these names, who would you let go?” Needless to say, the most senior DBA was among the ones chopped.

It is undeniable that without the suits and their making mula brains, there will be no business and not much work for DBAs or anybody else for that matter. They seem to be very clear on what they want, “dinero” and lots of it. But sometimes while their brains are fixed on their goals and times are tough, they tend to lose the ability to make good decisions. Recognize where the company real assets are –their people.

Like any other species, DBAs come in different sizes, colors, broken, newbies, with and without baggage, lazy, and if you get lucky you may find a wiz here and there. In other words, like a box of chocolates. One thing is for sure, we are all highly caffeinated –it is our cool aid.

Accidental or by choice, if you are a DBA and don’t like what you do, I say to you, “GET OUT, RUN, RUN FOR THE HILLS before you become road kill or destroy the hard work of many people before you. I’m sure it has taken many people blood, sweat and tears to get the company to where it is today.

I have met DBAs with all different sorts of backgrounds. On the good side, I had the pleasure to work with the type of DBA who is a walking SQL Server encyclopedia with photographic memory. I have also met with the Gandalf DBA whose wisdom pours out every time he participates in discussions. On the bad side, I had the misfortune to work with several closed minded DBAs who were afraid to share their knowledge. Somehow I believe it had to do with job security.

In any case, the skillful DBA will differentiate himself from the rest by making sure the production environment is running without a hitch. If a hitch happens, he will make sure data loss is minimal or null. He will automate daily and mundane DBA activities such as backups in order to make time for skillset building activities like studying and research to further his career. The skillful DBA will do all that and then some by using the best tool for the job.

In the area of database administration, the MS SQL Server DBAs is at a crossroads where he must choose a specialty and stick with it. The product has grown to cover many technologies and each one goes deeper than ever before. For example, we now have access to a wealth of information about what is happening on the server via DMVs and new system functions. In addition to that, we have new features that help us manage large environments:

  • PowerShell
  • Policy Base Management
  • DDL triggers (server/database level)
  • Central Management Server
  • Since SQL 2005, a myriad of operators, system objects and the .NET CLR have been added to the list of tools available to the SQL developer/DBA. A certain skill level is necessary in order to know the when, why and how to apply these new features in order to squeeze up to the last cycle out of each CPU. Some of these skills can only be acquired through experience in the field.

    Database administration and development are two of the oldest areas under the MS SQL Server umbrella. You still have replication, SSIS, SSAS, performance tuning, security, BI, architecture, and many other areas one can choose to specialize on. Choose one, hit it hard and learn as much as you possibly can before moving to the next area. Keep your skills sharp by reading something new to you about the area you are developing. And always, be prepared to move on a moment’s notice; you never know when you’ll encounter Mike, Pat and Jeff.

    Oh, here’s the end of the story from the topPriceless!
    Cutting corners and buying the cheapest hard drive at Fry’s – $59

    Promoting developer to accidental DBA because you fired the previous skillful DBA in order to cut payroll -$85,000

    Opening up your cheap open box Fry’s hard drive and finding it scratched like a Nazareth record after playing Hair of the Dog for 1000 times – PRICELESS

    Review SQL Server 2008 Administration in Action

    SQL Server 2008 Administration in Action by Rod College
    I got a copy of this book back in September of 2009 because I wanted to know more about the hardware configuration of production database servers.  Specifically, I wanted to know about best practices and recommendations in the areas of storage, memory and CPU.  While at the store, I read chapter 2 “Storage and System Sizing” which covers from what SATA means to areas such as RAID, SAN, solid state drives, and best practice considerations. I purchased this book just for the content in chapter 2 and had zero expectations for the rest.

    After reading the remainder of the book, I commend Rod College and the team behind this volume for their fantastic job. The material is accurate, current and invaluable to DBAs at any level. You’ll get a wealth of information from new features found in MS SQL 2008 to concepts you should already know but you are not familiar with in MS SQL 2008.

    Review Quest Software and Virtual Training for SQL

    SESSION I – BLITZ! 60 Minute SQL Server Takeovers

    Quest Virtual Training for SQL Server - Performance Monitor and Wait Events
    This past Friday I received an email from a co-worker about the virtual event hosted by Brent Ozar, Buck Woody, Kevin Kline and Ari Weil. I have to admit I deleted the message because I get tons of emails during the day and did not have the time to look into it. Today I just came across a blog from Buck Woody about the same event and decided to check it out.

    Wow! I have no regrets so far. I watched the first session “Blitz! SQL Server Takeovers” and it has tons of very good information. This session is 2.5 hours long so find a place where you can watch this thing comfortably. I really liked the relaxed and conversational way the speakers presented the material – lots of humor. Like always, questions from the audience (chat room), time of recording, lack of coffee or medication (ha!) carried some of the speakers (except Ari alias the water hose) away from the subjects currently discussed.

    The meat for this session is the T-SQL code Brent uses when inheriting a new SQL server. The speakers provide a great deal of information in the video while discussing each chunk of code from the T-SQL script. The code has been available in SQLServerPedia.com since April this year but I recommend watching the video and not just getting the code; you will not regret it.  The script covers the following areas: Backups, CHECKDB, job failures, security, SQL server (advanced) options, startup stored procedures, general server configuration, database mail, set up notifications for alerts, Windows event logs, system databases checks, user databases checks, database encryption, check for Enterprise edition features, location of data files, check for triggers, wait stats, and index information.

    Towards the end of this session, Ari gives a demo (sales pitch) of the Foglight Performance Analysis product from Quest Software. We are currently evaluating this product at work and when used properly, it can save tons of time and money.  The way it is designed and the information that it provides will help the DBA understand  what is happening, why it is happening and sometimes, how to fix the problem.

    I also watched the “Opening Remarks” and it is a quick rundown of what is covered in all four sessions.  I give this event a thumbs up for its content and style -it is a must see for every DBA.

    Review SQL Antipatterns

    SQL Antipatterns - Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming
    Bill Karwin style and choice of arranging the material within the chapters made it an easy read. It includes good and accurate examples the reader can test in almost any database system. Overall, the book will save the inexperience from many failures and embarrassment.

    I purchased this book hoping to find something new. Unfortunately, I have been in the trenches long enough to live through and see most of these
    patterns. This book will be a great addition and a must read for application developers, new database professionals including DBA, developers and architects. I say “new” because it takes time to see all these patterns.

    MCITP SQL Server 2005

    MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exams 70-431, 70-443, 70-444)I recommend The MCITP SQL Server 2005 Database Administrator Core Requirements book set to anyone preparing for the certification. These books provided me with invaluable knowledge & helped me pass all three exams on the first try.

    I started my certification by reading The SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance. I also utilized a Transcender preparation exam. For the 70-431 I did not use the test included with the books. It took me 2 1/2 half days to read the book & take over and over the Transcender preparation exam.

    I then continued with exam 70-443 by reading the Designing a Database Server Infrastructure Using SQL Server 2005. I read the book for 1 ½ day and took the practice exams included with the books at least 8 times. Even though I feel the preparation for this exam was easier, the exam itself was the hardest.

    The final one, Optimizing and Maintaining a Database Administration Solution Using SQL Server 2005 took me 1 ½ days to prepare for; same as the 70-443. It was the longest exam of the three & I feel it was the easiest. I believe it was because the order, in which I took the exams, made it so much attainable given that the information of the previous test was always part of the subsequent ones.

    70-229 Exam Cram

    MCAD/MCSE/MCDBA 70-229 Exam Cram 2 by Thomas MooreIf you have several years experience with MS SQL 2000 you may be able to pass the 70-229 with this book only. A great way to measure your readiness is by taking the test that comes included in the CD. If you pass it with an 85 or above, I’ll say you’re ready. If you don’t, this book should be enough to prepare you for the test.

    I also discovered that this book is a compressed regurgitation of the “MCSE SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation Training Guide” (ISBN 0789729970) written by the same author a few years earlier. I definitely recommend the Exam Cram 2 instead of the one mentioned in this paragraph.

    One thing I found very interesting is that the questions in the CD are extremely similar to the ones in the actual test. It will definitely give you a good sense of what the test is going to be like. Make sure you pass 3 practice tests with 85 or above before you go and take the real test.

    Good luck!