70-229 Exam Cram
If you have several years experience with MS SQL 2000 you may be able to pass the 70-229 with this book only. A great way to measure your readiness is by taking the test that comes included in the CD. If you pass it with an 85 or above, I’ll say you’re ready. If you don’t, this book should be enough to prepare you for the test.
I also discovered that this book is a compressed regurgitation of the “MCSE SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation Training Guide” (ISBN 0789729970) written by the same author a few years earlier. I definitely recommend the Exam Cram 2 instead of the one mentioned in this paragraph.
One thing I found very interesting is that the questions in the CD are extremely similar to the ones in the actual test. It will definitely give you a good sense of what the test is going to be like. Make sure you pass 3 practice tests with 85 or above before you go and take the real test.
Good luck!